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  • Uncover critical business insights at the speed of thought.
  • Streamline historically complex ETLs with high-performance GPUs.
  • Supercharge data analysis with a platform built on PostgreSQL.
  • Accelerate your data visualisations to deliver fast, new insights.

The fastest and most advanced GPU database in the world

BrytlytDB unlocks an agile and future-proofed approach to data. Introducing rapid AI intelligence to massive amounts of data, BrytlytDB transforms how you perform analytics. 
Business and customer data is growing faster than ever. BrytlytDB ensures you stay ahead of the curve by enabling you to consolidate, combine, and analyse vast and complex datasets at the speed of thought. 
It can be used to proactively uncover business-critical insights across all departments, giving you a greater competitive advantage. Whether it’s business operations, market demand, or new revenue opportunities, BrytlytDB can leverage your datasets to propel success. 

Based on PostgreSQL, BrytlytDB is highly compatible with most existing systems and a range of well-known platforms. This enables a fast and easy implementation process, while also significantly enhancing functionality.

Accommodating a wide range of sizes, sources and types of data; BrytlytDB accelerates your time to intelligence. 
Read more about BrytlytDB